So I am very thankful that I have so many talented friends that I have come to know and love... My friend Jill and I were hanging out about a week ago and just out of the blue I asked her if she could take some pictures of Mackenzie and I so I could send out a Christmas card to my family and friends!
She did such an awesome job and I am so thankful! Dont wanna give them all away so here is one to hold ya over till I get the card sent out!
Adrianna and Mackenzie
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Happy Halloween!
So just as every year with I am sure every child out there Mackenzie went through a million options of what she wanted to be. We went from Buzz Lightyear to Belle to Iron Man to Spiderman to Cinderella and finally settled in on a black cat. Which I was very thankful for as that was honestly the cheapest way to go. I never really noticed how expensive costumes were until I actually looked!
After thoroughly checking her candy and throwing out the bad stuff she went to town on what I would let her eat! It wasn't too long after that we headed home and she was done for the night... we got her changed out of her costume and off to bed even with all the sugar that she had eaten!
Happy Halloween!
So after deciding on being a black cat we went and got her a full black outfit for less then $10 bucks SCORE! All that was left was ears and a tail which of course were more expensive then her clothing lol!
So on Halloween night we got ready and headed over to my parents house to have pizza, which occurs every year, and to get psyched up to go trick or treating. I fixed Mackenzie's makeup and we were off! Mackenzie actually walked the whole way this time but about 3/4 the way through she was getting tired and wanted to go back to MOM-A and POP-A's house to see what she got!
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Happy 4th Birthday Mackenzie!
I can't believe that my baby girl is yet another year old!
I can still remember the day that I went to the Dr and she told me that something was wrong and she had to get me to the hospital to make sure that Mackenzie was okay! I remember sitting in my room all night wondering and hoping that nothing was going wrong... not so late in my pregnancy and that in just a few short weeks you would be coming. Little did I know I would be having you within the next 12 hours! I remember the Dr coming in giving me the options the next morning of what to do to ensure that you would be coming safe and sound. I ended up deciding that induction was the best for both you and I. I can remember every contraction every thought that I had... All of it just like I had you not to short a time ago! I remember the moment that the nurse told me after what seemed like the longest day of my life, that you and I were ready and it was time to start pushing! After what seemed like an eternity mommies Dr said just one more and I would be holding you and he was right... the moment I heard you cry I knew my life was changed forever. I knew that no matter what, I would always have you and you would always have mommy. Holding you on my chest with the both of us crying you looked up at me with little squinty eyes and I just knew that the decision I had made to keep you was the best decision I had ever made in my life and I was right!
Now just 4 short years later you have turned into a wonderful little girl... although you have your moments of terror I know that always inside of you is that little girl that is amazing. Mackenzie you are so smart, sweet, caring, loveable, sincere and kind hearted. You hardly ever have anything mean or bad to say about anyone and you are the first child to run up to a friend after they have gotten hurt to make sure that they are okay. Already at your age you are trying to learn how to read and have already mastered writing your own name, which mommy really considers a HUGE accomplishment because your name is so darn long! Your always asking questions and trying to figure things out, most of the time on your own, but you have always been so independent! I know that you are going to do so well in school and I can't wait to see how much you will accomplish!
Mommy loves you so much and I can't wait to continue to watch you grow into an amazing little girl! In just 8 months you will be entering Kindergarten and mommy is already terrified of your first day! I know that, that is the day you will start your adventure as a true BIG GIRL and as happy as I am that I will be there to hold your hand and walk you in the classroom, I will be one of those mom's who sits in her car and crys because your growing up so fast!
I love you with everything I have and am Mackenzie and I am so proud to call you mine and cannot wait to continue this journey called life with you! <3
So I know that its a little late to be posting about Mackenzie's 4th birthday as it was in August but I guess better late then never...
I can still remember the day that I went to the Dr and she told me that something was wrong and she had to get me to the hospital to make sure that Mackenzie was okay! I remember sitting in my room all night wondering and hoping that nothing was going wrong... not so late in my pregnancy and that in just a few short weeks you would be coming. Little did I know I would be having you within the next 12 hours! I remember the Dr coming in giving me the options the next morning of what to do to ensure that you would be coming safe and sound. I ended up deciding that induction was the best for both you and I. I can remember every contraction every thought that I had... All of it just like I had you not to short a time ago! I remember the moment that the nurse told me after what seemed like the longest day of my life, that you and I were ready and it was time to start pushing! After what seemed like an eternity mommies Dr said just one more and I would be holding you and he was right... the moment I heard you cry I knew my life was changed forever. I knew that no matter what, I would always have you and you would always have mommy. Holding you on my chest with the both of us crying you looked up at me with little squinty eyes and I just knew that the decision I had made to keep you was the best decision I had ever made in my life and I was right!
Now just 4 short years later you have turned into a wonderful little girl... although you have your moments of terror I know that always inside of you is that little girl that is amazing. Mackenzie you are so smart, sweet, caring, loveable, sincere and kind hearted. You hardly ever have anything mean or bad to say about anyone and you are the first child to run up to a friend after they have gotten hurt to make sure that they are okay. Already at your age you are trying to learn how to read and have already mastered writing your own name, which mommy really considers a HUGE accomplishment because your name is so darn long! Your always asking questions and trying to figure things out, most of the time on your own, but you have always been so independent! I know that you are going to do so well in school and I can't wait to see how much you will accomplish!
Mommy loves you so much and I can't wait to continue to watch you grow into an amazing little girl! In just 8 months you will be entering Kindergarten and mommy is already terrified of your first day! I know that, that is the day you will start your adventure as a true BIG GIRL and as happy as I am that I will be there to hold your hand and walk you in the classroom, I will be one of those mom's who sits in her car and crys because your growing up so fast!
I love you with everything I have and am Mackenzie and I am so proud to call you mine and cannot wait to continue this journey called life with you! <3
This year my gracious friends, Tim and Nicole, allowed me to host Mackenzie's party at their home in Gilbert as I didn't want to ask my parents again since they have hosted her parties twice already =) Mackenzie decided that she wanted another beach themed party this year and so I went with it since I had a lot of things from her first Luau and I was on a strict budget as this was the first time I was throwing her party all by myself.
I think that even though we were on a budget constriction it ended up being so much fun! She was able to see a lot of her friends that she hadn't in a long time and she also had time to spend with some of her family members that she also hadn't seen in forever.
We started off with a good amount of swimming... this is the first summer that Mackenzie has even thought about swimming on her own. I was so proud of her for just putting on her arm floaties and swimming away with her friends who have been swimming for so long all by themselves. All the kids had a blast swimming but soon enough it was time to eat... after stuffing the kids full of hot dogs, fruit, veggies and chips it was time to open presents. I love how all the kids ran inside and sat right in front of Mackenzie to see what she had gotten! It was somewhat like a school as they sat in rows and just watched in awe... Squealing when she did and laughing at the funny things she said.
I want to thank everyone who was able to attend and for all the gifts... I am usually very good about thank you notes and feel terrible that life got away from me and I wasn't able to send them out this year!
After presents we got to sing to my beautiful baby girl... she was so quiet and had the biggest smile on her face as well all wished her a very happy birthday. Although the kids were excited about having delicious cake they were more excited about the fish pinata that they got to bust up and get candy out of! Its crazy how Mackenzie doesn't go after the candy until its almost gone and then she is still happy with what she gets, which makes me happy!
Shortly after the pinata fun everyone started trickling out and it was time to get everything together and clear out my friends house! Mackenzie had a wonderful birthday and she tells me that she cannot wait to be 5! Slow down baby girl please... I can't wait to watch you grow up but I want you to please take your time!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Finally back in action!
So it has been so long since I have blogged about anything going on in mine and Mackenzie's life that I don't even know where to start! I had thought for a long time to shut down the blog and to restart or just up keep Mackenzie's blog alone. After long thoughts and time to really figure it out I decided to keep it. :) Which should make the out of towners happy to finally know what is going on with my littles and I. I cannot believe I haven't let anyone know about us for almost an entire year... There has been so many ups and downs with Mackenzie and I the last year and it is finally starting to mellow out and look up for the both of us.
So to start from the beginning... All know that Mackenzie's father and I split at the beginning of the year and as hard as it was I finally understood that it was the best thing for the both of us to go our separate ways in life. After that I was in a rush to find a job and finally after a long 3 months of looking and waiting for a call back or just an interview I finally got one. I have worked there now for 8 months and hope to find something a little more stable soon. I have been applying vigorously at many different pharmacy's in the valley to actually use my Pharmacy Technician Certification and get the proper training needed to work at a better company in the near future!
Mackenzie has been up to so much lately and getting to be unbelievably smart. She is close to reading and is already writing her own name and a few other words... Its amazing to think that she is only 4. I hope to god that she will be reading and fully writing before she enters kindergarten.
Another great thing is that I have met a great guy... Nick. He has been so amazing to me and absolutely wonderful to Mackenzie and so welcoming to helping with her whenever he isn't working or going to school! =)
A little sneak peak of what to come next... HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY MACKENZIE LYNN!!!!
Until next time... Which wont be so long!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Puppy Dog Chow!
This is an all time favorite for me... I have been making it with my mom since I was in middle school and tonight for the first time I made it with my little one! I am sure your wondering what in gods name it is... well in short its deliciousness! LOL! It is a very easy recipe and the kids will LOVE it...
9 cups of Rice Chex Cereal
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 cup semi-sweet choc. chips
1 1/2 cups powder sugar
- In a saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate; add peanut butter and mix until smooth.
- Remove from heat, add cereal and stir until coated.
- Pour powdered sugar into large plastic bag, add coated cereal and shake until well coated. Store in airtight container.
Like I said very easy and so much fun to do with your little one!
I am now off to enjoy my after dinner snack with the little monkey who helped me make it!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Well last Tuesday, Nov. 30th Mackenzie had to have her tonsils and adnoids removed... I have to say that was and still is the highest on my list of the scariest things I have ever done as a parent... Having to watch your child being rolled off while you stand there and pray nothing goes wrong and no freak accident happens... is just a terrible feeling! As Gary and I stood watching Mackenzie being rolled off all that kept going through my mind was, "God please if this is the last thing I ever ask for, let my baby come out of this okay." Thank you for listening!

Her Dr. said she did absolutely amazing... and her Anesthesiologist fell in LOVE with her. They had some nice 'pillow' talk before she fell asleep on the OR table! The surgery took about 45 minutes which was just enough time for Gary, My parents and myself to go get something to eat @ the cafeteria and get back as they were wheeling her back into her room... The poor thing was just zonked out, but I guess strong drugs will do that to a 3 year old!
Ready to go in... Such a big girl!
I'm ready mom!
Thankfully "momma" brought her ipod and Mack was able to play games while waiting patiently!
Right after surgery...
When she woke up about 11:45am the poor thing was in so much pain all she could do was cry... and here I am telling her not to because it will hurt her even more... Oh it was a huge train wreck that first 30 minutes or so! =) But we finally got her some ice chips and some more "feel good" drugs and she was on top of the world again. She was LOVING the nurses... at one point I went up stairs to have lunch and when I came back she was having a full blown conversation with her nurse about the Nickelodeon channel! It was absolutely adorable!
Been awake for about an hour... Happy juice and ice chips!
She loves these slippers...
Laying down watching Dora the Explorer!
Her and her ice chips and of course her monkey and puppy dog watching over her!
*Thanks momma and Pop-A for my monkey*
Playing Peek-A-Boo with daddy and the camera... Finally caught her face!
Unfortunately we did end up having to stay the night in the hospital as Mackenzie has sleep apnea and they needed to monitor her breathing. Needless to say that was a sleepless night as she was up about every 3 hours crying her little eyes out because she was hurting so much! I felt so useless that I couldn't comfort her with just a hug and a kiss... it was much more intense and needed a a little something stronger! lol =) We did get to go home EARLY the next morning which was very nice because as said before I HATE being in the hospital and I needed sleep...
When we got home on Wednesday it was all just a blur of exhaustion and then sleeping for the both of us... Since then she has been doing really well with all of her medicines and taking her pain stuff, except for at night when she is half asleep and I literally have to pin her to take it so she can fall asleep again! Poor thing... but other than that nothing bad has happened and she thankfully hasn't gotten any side effects of the surgery which is a miracle for this child! I am hoping that this is the start to something great for Mackenzie considering she has been sick so much in her short life... Maybe this is what we needed in order for her to start off healthy and remain healthy!
Thank you too everyone who prayed for her and sent her well wishes!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
Well although Gary wasn't home this year we still had a great Thanksgiving... We spent it with my parents and had a great day just relaxing, cooking, playing Dr, and playing "bags" AKA Corn Hole! It was weird having my mom relax with us for most of the day but she had prepared a lot of the food the night before!
It really is nice having family and so close too because I know so many who miss their families around the holiday because they are so far away! Until I had Mackenzie I really didn't listen or know the true meaning to Thanksgiving and Christmas! But having her has brought so much more to my eyes and I love it!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Mom finishing up the last bits of cooking!
Monkey and Uncle Michael waiting patiently to eat!
Dad carving the turkey...
Playing bags with the brothers... Dad/mom was next to me...
Perfect way to end a perfect day!
Until next year....
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