This past weekend Mackenzie, Michael and I all hopped in the car and headed for Albuquerque! Let me tell you I do not like driving with a less than two year old! =) On the way there it actually wasnt to horrible but my goodness on the way back she was throwing temper tantrums left and right and crying to get out of the car!
But onto the reason for going: HAPPY RETIREMENT GAMMY!!! We had the opportunity to join my papa and gammy in celebrating not only her retirement but also there house warming party! My grandpa built there home last summer and I believe finished it and got all moved in the Saturday before Thanksgiving! =) But while we had a ton of fun out at there house we were also able to visit with my Grandma and Grandpa Perea, Mackenzie's Nana and Tata it was a fun time seeing my cousins and aunt and uncle. A huge treat of the trip was going to see my Nana Cuca, Macks great great grandma "nana" =) We were able to get a five generation picture which in most families is impossible! In the pictures I dont if you will even guess how old my Nana is.... she just turned 91 at the beginning of June! She is still living alone in her own home and gets up at 6am everyday and goes out and works on her own yards. She amazes me!
But enough gibber gabber.... here's is what you wanted PICTURES! =) Enjoy!

Mackenzie watching "Fishes" (Finding Nemo) on the trip!

FIVE GENERATIONS: Nana Cuca, Grandma Sally, My Dad, Me, and Mackenzie Lynn

All of us with Nana. My mom Loretta, Little brother Devin, My dad Marc, Mackenzie, Me, Brother Michael, Grandma Sally and Nana Cuca...

The great grandkids and the one great great granchild...

Mackenzie talking to someone....
It was a great trip and I cant wait to go back! Lots of fun times... but like all good things they have to end! But I will leave you with a funny video of Mackenzie riding a play tractor! If you can hear her after her uncle asks for a turn she says "NO!!" LOL Then she floors it when he holds onto the front! So funny! Im scared for the type of driver she will be lol!
Here are some other photos of the trip. Just a slideshow of driving and of dinner with the families! =)