Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So I have finally gotten around to posting about Mackenzie's second birthday... She had so much fun with all of her friends and family being here at our house! She of course had a Handy Manny themed party... she is in love with him as most of you all know! =) I think that the party was a lot of fun and all of the kids were able to go home with there very own tool belts... which thankfully I had finished in time! =) I tried keeping it short this year because the attention span of 8 two and three years old's only hold out for so long! So we played pin the tail on the donkey and we had a pinata which most of the kids took a turn at whacking! I left breaking it open to my younger brother Devin but naturally the plastic that holds it up broke so we had to pull it apart anyways but all the kids were able to stash a bunch of candy... I KNOW ALL THE PARENTS LOVED THAT! =) Thanks to my friend Sue I was able to get photos of all the kids with Handy Manny... some cooperated others weren't to happy about it! =) Well enjoy the photos...

Mackenzie stealing all the icing off cakes that were just sitting around... Oh thats my fat kid!!
Kendall taking a whack at the pinata... too cute!!!
Mackenzie opening gifts...

Pin the tail on the donkey...or mustache in Mackenzie's case!!! lol...
The AMAZING cake that my best friends mom, BECKY, made for her birthday!!! 

I cant believe another year has gone by... I hear two is a lot more fun than one though!!! Its gonna be a blast! =)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tiffanys 22nd Birthday party....

OMG it seems so unreal to think that along with myself,  all my friends are 22 now as well. It seems like just yesterday that we graduated high school and we were all headed into the "Real World" and boy has it been a ride. 

On the 25th of July a couple of us and Tiffany all set out for a night of fun and boy was it! I had so much fun celebrating my best friends birthday with our closest friends! We went out to Glendale and celebrated at "The Shout House" such a fun and amazing place! We got there around 8pm and the first thing that happened myself and our friend Aspen were called up onstage.... we were supposed to be dancing but had no clue what we were doing so we just laughed and did some stuff! =) But all night one or two of us would get called up to do random things... from Justina having to shimmey to Tiffany having to be an alligator stuck on her back (this was for her birthday). Like I said a really fun night! But like smart people we got a hotel room so that no one would drive drunk! =) 


Favorite photo of the night... she'll probably kill me for this one! LOL
Tiffany, Justina, and I... 
Alaina, Tiffany, Justina, and I...
Tiffany and I
Happy happy joy joy!!! =)

*Thanks Jill and Jimmy for watching Mackers for me that night I had so much fun and I couldn't have with out you both... Your awesome!*