Well it has been a long time since I have had the chance and have wanted to blog. It has been really busy with Mackenzie and Gary and trying to keep this whole being on the road thing working! =) I notice I hadn’t posted at all for October and so many fun things happened then! Everything from traveling approximately close to 10000 miles to being able to go home twice to seeing my grandparents for Halloween to seeing the Alamo for the first time, to being up in freezing Nebraska. It has been a long journey over the last month and a half or so! We have covered seven states so far and we are headed at the moment to Louisiana and then headed on through to FREEZING Colorado!
The Alamo was amazing... I had so much fun relearning about what happened and walking through were it all happened! Mackenzie had a lot of fun too she walked around and asked us to take pictures of her everywhere, which is her new thing. We then had the opportunity to walk up and down the Riverwalk. We spent most of the morning at the Alamo and then spent the rest of the day at the Riverwalk and the San Antonio mall. The awesome part of the Riverwalk was we could walk around with beers in hand and no one even looked at us because its allowed! HAHA!
Most of our trip has honestly been go go go... Although it is Winter season for movers we have been fortunate enough to keep running and that is a major blessing for us. I love being out here with Gary and the baby although at times it can get very frustrating with a 2 year old it is totally worth it!
During the last month we were actually able to get home two or three times. It was great considering I hadn't seen anyone in almost two months and was dying for my family and friends. The first time we came in was the weekend of my mom's birthday, I love that we were able to surprise her. I LOVED IT! On Sunday of that weekend we were able to head down to Willcox,AZ and go to a Pumpkin Patch and Apple Orchard. Although we travel for a living we didn't mind driving close to 400miles that day for a day with the family =o) Aside from that I was able to attend two of my mom groups events, one was cookie decorating playdate and the other was a MNO we went to Graham's Central Station and danced our bum's off!
After that weekend we left Monday morning for California, (first time since we started the journey) after that week we were able to come back home and spend Halloween weekend and most of the following week at home! During that weekend and week we got a lot of things accomplished, Mackenzie's 2 year photos, our family pictures, trick or treating and hanging with friends and family... Although we were glad to be home we were ready to get back on the road, because sitting doesn't do us any good! Again we headed back to California. We loaded there all week and were able to get the trucks starter fixed FINALLY and then got ourselves back on the road. Again we were able to pass through Phoenix and see our friends one more time before knowing that we are going to be out of town for a month or so!
Thankfully this up coming week we will be meeting my parents and brothers in Los Lunas, NM for Thanksgiving. It will be the first one in about six or seven years with our family! Cant wait... I miss my grandparents and other family! As for today we are headed to Louisiana and Arkansas and then off to Colorado! Until next time which I promise will be soon!!!
Kansas, Nebraska, California, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma.