On Tuesday, May 25th, Dom graduated from kindergarten and I couldn't be more proud of him! Although I missed the ceremony I was able to make it for refreshments and to get a few photos of him. He looked so happy and it just made me realize how special this little boy is and how much he could do if he really set his mind to it!
On the way home this evening we were talking about just random things and he just so happened to tell me what he wanted to do when he grew up, "auntie, I wanna be a soldier." I just thought it was the cutest thing in the world, and as we got to talking I asked him if after high school would he want to go to college, and he told me no! I was curious so I asked him why, he said because school isn't as important as being a soldier, and I cried, tears of happiness! He made me so proud and happy when he said that... I eventually told him that although a soldier is an important person, school is also important. I continued to tell him about how becoming a soldier could help him pay for school and that just made him so happy... so he finally told me, "okay auntie, i am going to be a soldier and then for you ill go to college. *tear*"
I cannot wait to see what this little boy does with his life. I love him so much and cannot believe that he will be six in just under a month!

I love you sweet boy!