Well last Tuesday, Nov. 30th Mackenzie had to have her tonsils and adnoids removed... I have to say that was and still is the highest on my list of the scariest things I have ever done as a parent... Having to watch your child being rolled off while you stand there and pray nothing goes wrong and no freak accident happens... is just a terrible feeling! As Gary and I stood watching Mackenzie being rolled off all that kept going through my mind was, "God please if this is the last thing I ever ask for, let my baby come out of this okay." Thank you for listening!
Her Dr. said she did absolutely amazing... and her Anesthesiologist fell in LOVE with her. They had some nice 'pillow' talk before she fell asleep on the OR table! The surgery took about 45 minutes which was just enough time for Gary, My parents and myself to go get something to eat @ the cafeteria and get back as they were wheeling her back into her room... The poor thing was just zonked out, but I guess strong drugs will do that to a 3 year old!

Ready to go in... Such a big girl!

I'm ready mom!

Thankfully "momma" brought her ipod and Mack was able to play games while waiting patiently!

Right after surgery...
When she woke up about 11:45am the poor thing was in so much pain all she could do was cry... and here I am telling her not to because it will hurt her even more... Oh it was a huge train wreck that first 30 minutes or so! =) But we finally got her some ice chips and some more "feel good" drugs and she was on top of the world again. She was LOVING the nurses... at one point I went up stairs to have lunch and when I came back she was having a full blown conversation with her nurse about the Nickelodeon channel! It was absolutely adorable!

Been awake for about an hour... Happy juice and ice chips!

She loves these slippers...
Laying down watching Dora the Explorer!
Her and her ice chips and of course her monkey and puppy dog watching over her!
*Thanks momma and Pop-A for my monkey*

Playing Peek-A-Boo with daddy and the camera... Finally caught her face!
Unfortunately we did end up having to stay the night in the hospital as Mackenzie has sleep apnea and they needed to monitor her breathing. Needless to say that was a sleepless night as she was up about every 3 hours crying her little eyes out because she was hurting so much! I felt so useless that I couldn't comfort her with just a hug and a kiss... it was much more intense and needed a a little something stronger! lol =) We did get to go home EARLY the next morning which was very nice because as said before I HATE being in the hospital and I needed sleep...
When we got home on Wednesday it was all just a blur of exhaustion and then sleeping for the both of us... Since then she has been doing really well with all of her medicines and taking her pain stuff, except for at night when she is half asleep and I literally have to pin her to take it so she can fall asleep again! Poor thing... but other than that nothing bad has happened and she thankfully hasn't gotten any side effects of the surgery which is a miracle for this child! I am hoping that this is the start to something great for Mackenzie considering she has been sick so much in her short life... Maybe this is what we needed in order for her to start off healthy and remain healthy!
Thank you too everyone who prayed for her and sent her well wishes!