Thursday, October 7, 2010


That is all i have to honestly put for what my mom is... she is the most amazing person i know. She is the type that knows just what to say to her children to make them understand when she is mad, happy, sad, excited, etc. I dont know if i will ever be able to tell her how much she means to me and how much i love her! 

She has gotten me through so much and has changed my life the last 13 years! She knew what i needed, LOVE, and she has given me that more and more each day and continues to do so! She has always been there for me through EVERYTHING... when I was in trouble, when i needed cry, when I needed to yell, or just sit there and be there with her. I can't believe sometimes how she puts up with my nonsense... i put her through so much and yet she is there and never gives up on me. When I tried hurting myself in high school she was there with open arms and she cried with me and helped me through what was bothering me and what was making me want to not go through life anymore! I have a picture from the night i graduated high school, she was standing right next to me with the biggest smile and shine in her eyes. I knew she was proud of me and she would have never had to say a word. 

Now I am not saying that my mom and I haven't had our ups and downs we have had many downs... some that I didn't know if we would get through, but being the amazing person she is... she waited till I pulled my head out of my behind and was there with open arms ready for more! 

Why do you ask am i making a point to say so many things about my mom! Aside from the fact that she is my mom and she is AMAZING! But because I owe her a thank you for the person that I am right now and someday hope to become! 

Thank you so much for always being here for me... through anything that I may have put you through and will put you through in the future. Thank you for doing what she wouldn't for me and being my mom! You will never know how much you have changed my life! Thank you for helping me to admit that I do have things that need fixing in my life and that before I can move forward that i need to fix what is behind me so that i can have a great future with my daughter! You are the type of mother that i want to be and hope that i can be to Mackenzie! I love you mom! 


1 comment:

Jill Carilli said...

Wow that was beautiful Adrianna. :)